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Curating your Instagram Feed: How to Turn Mindless Scrolling Into Your Daily Culture Fix

Learn how to make Instagram your best friend instead of your worst enemy.

A woman hand holding iphone 6 with login screen of instagram application.
Credit: Shutterstock/Jirapong Manustrong

Some of us might be umming and ahhing over whether we should be deleting social media platforms like Instagram, where it is easy to get lost in hours of mindless scrolling.

With Summer 2024 fast approaching, many of us will be wondering how to orchestrate summer glow-ups that will transform us into the best version of ourselves and see us living our best lives.

But skip all the FOMO that is the unfortunate side effect of deleting your social media account, and read this article instead: here’s how Instagram can stay in a positive way.

You DON’T need to delete Instagram to better yourself

The ‘toxic side’ of Instagram has been widely debated, facing accusations of making users feel more self-conscious and unhappy with their own lives by inviting comparisons with shiny and controlled performances of the lives of others.

In a New York Times article, Laura McKowen wrote that ‘just like alcohol, social media left me feeling anxious and removed from myself.’ Many readers agreed with her in the comments.

However, when you take the time to figure out how you can make your Instagram work for you (rather than against you), it can be restored to its original design of being a fun and easy platform for sharing experiences with others.

Beyond that, it can even be transformed into an invaluable tool for educating yourself and finding inspiration in all sorts of places that you might not have come across or been able to access otherwise.

Following Instagram accounts that will brighten up your feed… and your mind

Instagram doesn’t just have to be a downer; rather, it can actively work to make you into a better version of yourself.

The secret answer is as follows: you are the curator, and your Instagram feed is your gallery. You choose what to put in there, and you choose what to see; no one else. So follow accounts that spark joy in you, rather than fill you with jealousy, self-doubt or contempt. I’m telling you, the block button exists for a reason.

And if that feels too extreme, the ‘hide’ and ‘mute’ buttons get the job done just as well. So, without further adieu, let me encourage you to block all your exes and that one toxic ‘best friend’ who won’t leave you alone and suggest to you some accounts that you should be following instead…

Poetry and writing


You know that ‘Poem a Day’ book that someone got you for Christmas a couple of years back, and is still lying around in your room somewhere or at the bottom of your bag more or less untouched? Well this Instagram account proves a way to seamlessly incorporate that daily hit of literature into your daily scroll, without having to feel the need to try and find the time for it amidst the business of the everyday.

Plus, the account’s bio is absolutely enchanting: ‘not a page but a field of stars…’


One of my favorite things about this account is its thematic organization of writing selections, which lay before you a field of poetic references to consult when you are trying to grapple with complex feelings, from our relationships with our fathers to deal with being alone.

I thought her selection, ‘On Silence,’ was particularly beautiful.


This page posts gorgeous black and white photographs of various cultural icons, paired with a couple of lines of a thought-provoking quote that they have said. I was first exposed to some of my now favorite writers through this page, including Anaïs Nin.

Art and cinema


A bit of an unusual one, Color Palette Cinema nevertheless has one of the most aesthetically satisfying feeds I’ve seen, pairing clips and photographs of iconic scenes in cinematic history with their matching color palette.

As the account’s bio reminds us, “Color can affect us psychologically, often without us being aware, and can be used as a strong device in a story.”


A more obvious one, but essential nonetheless.

If you’re UK-based, not only is this an excellent way to stay up to date with the Tate galleries’ consistently impressive array of exhibitions, but they also post selections of some of their most poignant pieces on special occasions, including a lot of kissing on their celebratory New Years post…


A key 21st-century artist whose imagery is increasingly cropping up more and more everywhere, his Instagram page is bold, colorful, humorous – and does not disappoint.

Pop culture, fashion and style


Parading a gorgeous assemblage of fashion photographs and videos from contemporary pop culture, this page is not one to be missed. Pure eye candy.


“People come and go, this is life,” reads the bio. It’s fun watching them come and go as you scroll through beautiful movie scenes, celebrity pictures and gut-wrenching yet inspiring quotes on this account.


If you’re at all keeping up with current fashion trends, you’ll know that the 90s and 00s styles are very much back in! But where to find the inspo?

This account is your saving grace.

Healing, growth and self-improvement


I always feel I learn so much from these posts, with the account asking viewers to muse on questions from ‘What sleeping babies can teach us’ to ‘Should I stay or leave this relationship?’ Thought-provoking? Always.


The Instagram account of the podcast The Psychology of your 20s, which is dedicated to helping people in their 20s experience this often incredibly tricky (though exciting!) part of their lives.

Instagram is just as comforting in its display of shorter-form reels for when you don’t have time to listen to the whole podcast!


A frog with a mushroom on his head and red high heels giving you positive affirmations? This account reminds us that as difficult as healing can be, it can also sometimes be kind, cute and fun!

Educating yourself


Everyone’s Invited’s mission is to expose and eradicate rape culture with empathy, compassion, and understanding.

A platform to share survivor’s stories and spread useful information in order to educate a wide audience, this account takes an important stance against a culture that has previously failed to speak up sufficiently on issues of sexual assault.


“A community where love meets accountability” is a really valuable account for people who are willing to listen and learn about how they can use their privilege to actively combat issues of racism and prejudice that are still an everyday battle for many.


Why is it history anyway?

This page documents bitesize information about an impressive array of incredible women who have done great things in history and whom you have probably never even heard of before.

Key takeaways

Opening Instagram and the first thing you see is a little poem, film quote, or fun fact can make the whole experience so much more rewarding, fruitful and productive, rather than leaving you feeling trapped in a cycle of using the app to watch other people ‘promote’ their lives, and to do the same with your own.

Instead, try reclaiming Instagram for what it can be – a valuable tool to further your learning and dig deeper into your own niches of interest in a fun, digestible and incredibly broad-ranging way.

Of course, the best way to curate your own Instagram feed ultimately comes down to what it is that captures your interest most, and so, as well as providing some of my own suggestions, I hope that this article inspires you to add your own!

What are some things that you’ve been meaning to learn more about or inspiring things you wish you could see more of in your daily life? Can you find a way to incorporate them into your Instagram Feed?

Certainly, it is important to be aware of fake news and check that any educational accounts you are diving into are accredited. Yet I do believe that so long as we are aware of the dangers of the artificial side of Instagram, we may also be able to revel in its rich array of vibrant imagery and precious sharing of stories and experiences. Check out Priya Thakur’s ‘6 Healthier Ways to Use Social Media’ for more tips.

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