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We need to talk about CBD

A girl drinking a CBD product, the green liquid and it travels to the brain, showing the benefits of CBD in the brain. With a green background and cannabis leaves floating around.
TrillMag/Marcus Davila

Do you want improved sleep? Pain relief? Decreased anxiety? Of course. CBD provides all these benefits and more. So why has it disappeared from our radar?

As of 2022 CBD products appeared on our screens; a simple solution to daily problems we face, just ripe for the taking. However, some people saw an infamous green, striking plant that made the hippies go wild and parents hold out their crosses. Instant stigma and suspicion came from CBDs origin – the cannabis plant.

Despite this, many people took to the product and became enamoured with its positive effects. The most common being pain relief and reduced anxiety, but people have been experiencing benefits in other areas of the body, some still not proven today:

  • Weight Loss
  • Menstrual Cramp Relief
  • Menopause Relief
  • Heart Benefits
  • Antioxidant Benefits
  • Antibacterial Benefits
  • Beauty & Skincare

See more benefits HERE

Basic Understanding of CBD

The possibilities of this product are endless. However, there is a lack of a scientific stamp of approval on the substance even with its potential to be the new pain relief medication to replace paracetamol. In addition there is no evidence suggesting that CBD can be harmful to the human body. So why is this naturally occurring product slipping through the trends?

CBD – Cannabidiol

THC – Tetrahydrocannabinol

The Hemp Plant

Terms to Remember

Cannabidiol is mainly produced from the widely used hemp plant, cousin to the cannabis plant. The preferred industrial ingredient hemp has a very limited amount of THS, the chemical compound that produces the ‘high’ that is illegal in the majority of the world. Hemp is more controlled when being sold. For example in the UK THC content must be under 1mg to be sold. CBD is extracted from the leaves of the hemp and used to supply you with the many benefits it posesses. However, CBD can also be found in cannabis leaves and can contain much higher THC levels which brought forth a high amount of scepticism towards CBD.

When ingesting a CBD product it immediately connects with receptors in the brain and through the central nervous system providing relief and tranquillity throughout the whole body.

Introducing TRIP UK

“Take a TRIP to find your calm amidst the everyday chaos”


The UK’s No1 CBD brand and one of the few brands in the country.

 Launched in 2019 co-founders Olivia Ferdi and Daniel Khoury made this product to give millions of people the experience of calm in their lives. Especially, with the recent enlightenment towards mental health.

Relieving emotional and physical pain is such a huge value to the CBD power couple. Their story began when crisis struck just weeks before the co-founders wedding day, the groom unfortunately underwent a painful knee surgery putting a damper on the big day. Told that he might not walk his bride down the aisle, the couple turned to new methods, CBD products in fact. It worked miracles and the decreased pain allowed Daniel to exercise his leg and prepare for their beautiful day.

The co-founders have carried their experiences and values into a strong and caring company to share a sense of calm and relief from life’s chaos. You can’t ask for more than that from a business or product such as this one.  

TRIP Drink Review

To give even more insight, I have personally tried and reviewed a few incredible products that are able to be taken at any time and any place.

TRIP-CBD drinks
TRIP CBD Drinks. Credit: Charlotte Bruce

1. The Cold Brew Coffee 15mg

Labelled as smooth black coffee and only ten calories. Of course, I am not a black coffee person, only neanderthals drink that. However, even drinking it on its own was better than others, and with some almond milk, and syrup it made a lovely iced latte.

@charie0308 @Trill Mag ♬ Relaxed (Sped Up) – MC Mablo Dos Paredões

 You may be wondering why coffee and CBD together? It seems counterintuitive, as coffee gives you energy and CBD calms you down. However, I felt quite level-headed and energised for coursework, but also quite tranquil and stress-free. I would highly recommend this drink to any student who needs to work on those exams, while also staying calm.

2. Elderflower Mint 15mg

Lightly sparkled nineteen calories, with ingredients such as L-Theanine, Ginseng, Lemon balm and chamomile. Every beverage packed with chamomile. I’ve never been a fan of mint flavouring or sparkling drinks but the taste felt like you were sipping a tropical rainforest. The collaboration of flavours just meshes so well and it is pure smooth freshness. I had the feeling of instant tranquillity, but CBD may affect you differently.

3. Lemon Basil 15mg

Also lightly sparkling and my favourite I have tried so far, I could drink ten of these in a day. Incredibly refreshing with hints of basil to seal the deal to feel full relaxation. Can support you through any chaotic day, for me that was the day of reviewing my documentary for my course. Months of work, sleepless nights and I had to sit in front of my peers and listen to them destroy my work. So, on that Thursday morning all I needed was this drink to watch my worries sail away.

4. Peach Ginger 15mg

To be honest, not my favourite drink even though I enjoy the flavours but more in tea or smoothies. They would be better separately, as the ginger washes out the peach and I felt more alert than I wanted to be. The feeling of calm was there, but not as much as expected. However, if you need to be focused and nourished, try this product!

5. Orange Blossom & Chamomile CBD OIL

Total- 1000mg – Dropper provides a serving of 15mg

TRIP product CBD
TRIP CBD oil. Credit: Charlotte Bruce

I love this product as it is easy to use; place it under the tongue and hold it for twenty seconds then swallow or add it to a drink – my favourite is chamomile tea. The orange flavour is strong and natural, feels like you are eating an orange and the chamomile-on-chamomile tea combo is too relaxing to pass up.

@charie0308 @Trill Mag ♬ Bluebird – Woodbinns

This product works very quickly for me and has helped me with knee pain that I suffer from daily. Additionally sleeping has become very enjoyable as before, going to bed was a nightmare as my thoughts were constantly spinning in my head so it took forever to sleep. I can’t wait to try the other flavours!

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3rd Year Journalism Student at Edinburgh Napier, Scotland. Recently joined the Trillmag Internship program 2024! So excited to share unique stories with you!

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